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Terry Steindel, The most retarded real estate agent ever.

Have you ever read a book report written by a high school freshman? Have you ever asked a guy with Down Syndrome for street directions? If you answered yes to either of these questions, then you most likely will appreciate this flyer.

This dumbass stuffs crap into my mailbox twice a month.

Is he for real??? "Work the internet"?

This is the single worst, most poorly written waste of the advertising dollar I have ever seen.
<-----Click on the image to blow up the .pdf


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z on :

He's not going to sell much, he aint got no tits.

john emdall on :

Hey, you made NPR's Day To Day show today.

By the way, sticking stuff that's *not mail* into mailboxes is illegal. Marketing yourself by flyers and *not* knowing that really is retarded.

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