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Chris Benoit, "The Rabid Wolverine", dies during execution of complex new wrestling move.

Yes, the "The Rabid Wolverine" is dead. He died exactly as his name implies... like a rabid wolverine.... that strangles it's wife from roid rage.... and then a couple days later kills it's son... and then sits around the house with the bodies... and then strangles itself... exactly the same.
Close friends have reported that Chris was working on a new complex wrestling move that may have gone terribly awry. It was purportedly titled, "The Rabid Benoit Double Chokey Surprise"
As a society, are we really surprised that a 230 lb dude so obviously hopped up on steroids, with the nickname "The Rabid Wolverine" could do something like this? These are the role models we put in place for our children. Nice.
In the coming days I'm sure they'll interview neighbors and family and they'll almost assuredly say things like, "He was a gentle guy who kept to himself", and "He came over and mowed my lawn once when I was out of town", and "He was a volunteer at the animal shelter".
They always like to give 'both sides' of "The Rabid Wolverine". So let's pretend I'm his 7 year old son to give you the 'other side'.

Interviewer : "Did you get along with your Dad? Did you like him?"
Chris Benoit's son : "Kinda, he killed my mom and then killed me and then hung himself."


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